House of Brands vs. Branded House: Which is Right for You?

House of Brands vs. Branded House: Which is Right for You?

In brand strategy, choosing the exemplary brand architecture is one critical decision that can make or break a company’s success. Two popular approaches, the house of brands and the branded house, have emerged as contrasting strategies with unique advantages and considerations.

As businesses strive to establish a strong brand presence and resonate with their target audience, understanding the variations of these plan of action becomes paramount.

We will overview a detail differentiation of house of brands versus branded house to pick the right one for you.

What is a House of Brands?

A company establishes and manages a diverse portfolio of individual brands, each with its own distinct identity, positioning, and target market.

Upsides of House of Brands

    • Increased Brand Diversification and Target Market Reach

By nurturing multiple individual brands under the umbrella, companies can cater to a broader range of consumer preferences, needs, and market segments.

Each brand can be tailored to target specific customer demographics, allowing for a more focused and effective marketing approach. This diversification expands the company’s reach and mitigates the risk of relying solely on one brand.

    • Flexibility for Brand Acquisitions and Divestitures

A house of brands approach offers flexibility when acquiring or divesting brands. Companies can strategically align their brand portfolio with their objectives by developing established brands or relieving brands that no longer fit.

This flexibility allows businesses to adapt to market changes and seize growth opportunities. Moreover, to streamline its portfolio based on market trends and consumer demands.

Pitfalls of House of Brands

    • Potential Dilution of Individual Brand Identities

One of the critical challenges in managing a house of brands is the potential dilution of individual brand identities. With multiple brands operating independently, there is a risk of overlapping target markets, similar product offerings, or inconsistent messaging that can confuse consumers.

This dilution can weaken each brand’s distinct positioning and identity, making it harder for customers to differentiate themselves from competitors. It requires careful brand management and effective communication to maintain the individuality and uniqueness of each brand within the portfolio.

    • Difficulty in Building a Strong Corporate Brand Presence

In a house of brands, the company’s brand often takes a backseat to the individual brands. While this allows for flexibility and autonomy, it can pose challenges in building a solid and recognizable brand presence.

The focus on promoting individual brands can overshadow the visibility and reputation of the corporate brand itself. Building a solid corporate brand requires strategic efforts to establish a clear brand purpose, values, and identity that resonate with consumers and stakeholders.

What is a Branded House?

In a branded house, umbrella, or monolithic branding plan, a company emphasizes and promotes its  brand as the primary brand identity across all products and services.

Branded House Tree

Benefits of a Branded House

    • Clear and Consistent Brand Messaging

One of the key advantages of a branded house plan is the ability to establish clear and consistent brand messaging across all products and services.

With a unified brand identity, companies can effectively communicate their brand values, attributes, and promises to consumers.

This consistency creates a strong brand image and reinforces brand recognition, making it easier for customers to identify and connect with the brand across different offerings.

Clear and consistent brand messaging enhances brand trust and loyalty, as customers associate positive experiences with the overarching brand.

    • Strong Brand Equity and Customer Loyalty

A branded house technique allows companies to leverage the existing brand equity and customer loyalty associated with their corporate brand. When customers perceive the corporate brand positively, they are more likely to trust and try new products or services launched under the same umbrella.

This trust and loyalty can increase customer retention, repeat purchases, and advocacy. By capitalizing on the strength of the corporate brand, businesses can save resources on brand building and focus on delivering quality offerings that align with customer expectations.

Disadvantages of a Branded House

    • Limited Brand Diversification Opportunities

One of the challenges of a branded house approach is the limited opportunity for brand diversification. Since all products and services are tied to the same corporate brand, companies may need help to target multiple market segments or cater to diverse consumer needs.

This lack of flexibility in branding can limit the company’s ability to expand into new product categories or reach niche markets that require distinct branding strategies.

When considering a branded house approach, assessing the potential trade-offs between brand diversification and the benefits of a unified brand identity is crucial.

    • Risk of Negative Impact on Individual Product/Service Brands

In a branded house tactics, the reputation and perception of the corporate brand heavily influence how individual products or services are perceived. If the corporate brand faces a crisis or negative publicity, it can directly impact the perception and trustworthiness of all offerings under the brand umbrella.

Any negative associations or brand image issues can harm the reputation and sales of individual products or services, making it challenging to dissociate them from the overarching brand. Businesses must carefully manage and protect the corporate brand’s reputation to mitigate such risks.

House of Brands Versus Branded House

Both techniques serves the same but created on different basis. Here, we will look out those differences.

Branding Focus and Identity

This is the primary differecne. House of Brands emphasizes protecting and promoting individual brands within the portfolio.

Each brand maintains its distinct identity, positioning, and marketing strategies. Customers develop associations and loyalty towards individual brands.

On the other hand, a branded house prioritizes the corporate brand as the primary brand identity, with individual offerings aligned under the overarching brand.

Brand Portfolio Management

Another key difference lies in the approach to brand portfolio management. Companies handle multiple brands under one umbrella, each operating independently in a house of brands. Brand managers are responsible for the individual brand’s positioning, marketing, and performance.

In a branded house, singular brand management focuses on maintaining a consistent brand identity and positioning across all products and services, with efforts centered on reinforcing the corporate brand.

Challenges and Benefits of Portfolio Management

Managing a portfolio of brands presents unique challenges and benefits depending on the chosen planning.

A house of brands requires careful coordination and resource allocation across multiple brands, ensuring each brand receives the necessary attention and support. This approach offers the benefits of brand diversification and the ability to target different market segments.

While a branded house offers simplified portfolio management, streamlined messaging, and the potential for leveraging brand equity across the entire portfolio.

Consumer Perception and Trust

1. Effects on Customer Trust and Loyalty

Customers may develop strong loyalty towards specific brands within the portfolio in a house of brands based on their individual experiences and preferences. This loyalty may not necessarily extend to the corporate brand itself.

A robust company’s reputation enhances customer trust and loyalty for all offerings in branded house.

2. Implications for Brand Reputation and Brand Extensions

The branding method also affects brand reputation and potential brand extensions. In a house of brands, the importance of each brand within the portfolio stands independently. Positive or negative experiences with one brand do not necessarily affect others.

Conversely, the corporate brand’s reputation can impact all offerings in a branded house. Brand extensions under a branded house approach benefit from the established reputation of the corporate brand, potentially facilitating their acceptance in the market.

Marketing and Communication Strategies

The selected brand structure influences a company’s marketing and communication strategies.

Tailoring Marketing Efforts to the Chosen Strategy

In a house of brands, marketing is customized for each brand’s identity, positioning, and target market. This approach allows for targeted messaging and promotion campaigns. Besides, branded house emphasizes the corporate brand’s values, attributes, and reputation, creating a unified brand experience.

Which is the Right Brand Architecture – House of Brands vs. Branded House

Selecting the appropriate branding structure is a critical decision that can influence the long-term business’s success. It depends on the company’s goals, target audience, competition, and desired brand image. The former involves creating and boosting portfolio variations of individual brands with unique identities and market positioning.

While the latter method includes unifying all products and services under a single, strong business brand.

A house of brands suits businesses targeting diverse market segments, seeking brand diversity, and accommodating multiple product categories.

A branded house is ideal for establishing a cohesive brand identity, reinforcing brand equity across offerings, and fostering brand loyalty.


Selecting the appropriate branding strategy is crucial for business success. The chosen plan should support the business’s unique needs and objectives including brand diversification, targeting specific markets or brand presence.

Understanding the nuances of each branding technique and conducting a thorough analysis is a must. This enables informed decision-making for long-term market success.

Fueling Your Brand’s Success: The Role of Branding Inspiration

Find Your Branding Inspiration with Key Sources and Techniques

In the fast-paced and competitive business landscape, branding inspiration is pivotal in achieving remarkable success. It fuels the creative process behind developing a distinctive brand identity that resonates with the target audience. By infusing inspiration into branding efforts, businesses can unlock their potential and stand out in the crowded marketplace.

This article will cover every aspect of branding inspiration and how it leads to building a successful brand.

Importance of Branding Inspiration for Business Success

Branding inspiration serves as the driving force that propels businesses toward achieving their goals and objectives. It acts as a catalyst for innovation and differentiation, enabling brands to establish a strong and memorable presence in the minds of their customers. When businesses tap into their creative wellspring, they can craft unique narratives, captivating visuals, and compelling messaging that captivate and connect with their target market.

It goes beyond the mere creation of logos and visuals. It encompasses the entire spectrum of brand development, including strategic positioning, market differentiation, and consistent brand experiences. By drawing inspiration from diverse sources, businesses can breathe life into their brand, forging an emotional bond with their customers and fostering brand loyalty.

Overview of the Role of Creativity in Branding

Creativity lies at the heart of successful branding. It empowers businesses to think outside the box, challenge conventions, and transcend industry norms. Through creative branding, businesses can tap into the power of storytelling, using narratives that resonate with their audience on a deeper level.

The role of creativity in branding extends to visual identity as well. From logo design to color schemes and typography choices, creative elements shape the brand’s visual representation and evoke specific emotions and associations.A well-executed visual identity, driven by inspiration, can create a strong and recognizable brand image that leaves a lasting impression.

Moreover, creativity in branding enables businesses to adapt to evolving consumer preferences and market trends. It allows them to anticipate shifts in the industry, innovate their products or services, and deliver experiences that surpass customer expectations. By embracing creativity, businesses can navigate the dynamic landscape with agility and maintain a competitive edge.

Marty Neumeier saying on branding inspiration

Understanding the Essence of Branding

Branding is far more than just a logo or a catchy tagline. It encompasses the essence of a business, its values, its promise to customers, and the overall perception it creates in the audience’s minds. Let’s delve deeper into the key components that make branding vital in today’s business landscape.

Branding and Its Significance

Branding can be defined as the process of creating a unique and consistent identity for a business, product, or service. It involves carefully crafting and curating the brand’s image, personality, and positioning in the market. Through branding, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors, establish a strong market presence, and build customer trust and loyalty. The significance of branding cannot be overstated.

A well-defined and effectively executed brand strategy sets the foundation for success. It helps businesses communicate their value proposition, establish credibility, and create a positive consumer perception. Strong branding influences customer decision-making, drives purchase intent, and ultimately contributes to long-term business growth.

Elements of a Strong Brand Identity

A strong brand identity is the cornerstone of successful branding. It comprises several interconnected elements to create a cohesive and memorable brand experience. These elements include:

    1. Brand Name: The brand’s name should be distinctive, easy to remember, and reflective of the brand’s values and offerings.
    2. Logo: The visual representation of the brand, the logo, serves as a visual anchor that helps customers recognize and identify the brand at a glance.
    3. Tagline: A concise and memorable tagline conveys the brand’s core message, essence, or unique selling proposition (USP).
    4. Visual Identity: This includes the color palette, typography, imagery, and overall design aesthetic that consistently represent the brand across various touchpoints.
    5. Brand Voice: The tone, style, and language used in brand communications reflect the brand’s personality and resonate with the target audience.
    6. Brand Story: A compelling story engages customers emotionally, conveying the brand’s history, values, and purpose.
    7. Brand Values: The guiding principles and beliefs that drive the brand and influence its actions, positioning, and customer interactions.

Exploring the Emotional Connection with Customers

Successful branding goes beyond transactional relationships and seeks to create emotional connections with customers. By understanding and tapping into the target audience’s emotions, aspirations, and desires, brands can establish a deeper level of engagement and loyalty.

Brands that forge emotional connections demonstrate an understanding of their customer’s needs, aspirations, and values. They evoke positive emotions like joy, trust, and belonging. Businesses can cultivate strong, lasting customer relationships by aligning their brand messaging and experiences with these emotions.

Businesses can create memorable moments that resonate emotionally through storytelling, personalized experiences, and consistent brand interactions. These connections drive customer loyalty and lead to positive word-of-mouth recommendations and advocacy, significantly impacting a brand’s reputation and success.

The Importance of Brand Identity

Brand identity is a visual, verbal, and experiential representation that distinguishes it from competitors and leaves a lasting impression on customers. This section will explore the significance of brand identity and its impact on businesses.

Establishing a Unique Brand Identity

A unique brand identity sets a business apart from its competitors and helps it stand out in the crowded marketplace. The amalgamation of various elements, such as the logo, visual design, brand voice, and values, together creates a cohesive and recognizable identity. Businesses can communicate their values, personality, and offerings to their target audience by making a distinct brand identity.

It creates differentiation, enabling customers to identify and connect with the brand on a deeper level. It showcases the brand’s essence, positioning, and promise, making it easier for customers to understand what it stands for and how it aligns with their needs and preferences.

Larry Ackerman

Building Brand Recognition and Recall

Brand recognition and recall are crucial for sustained success. A strong brand identity enhances the chances of customers recognizing and remembering the brand when making purchasing decisions. Consistency in visual elements, such as the logo, color palette, and typography, is significant in building recognition and recall.

When customers encounter consistent brand elements across various touchpoints, such as advertisements, packaging, or social media, it reinforces their identity and creates a sense of familiarity. This familiarity increases trust and confidence in the brand, making customers more likely to choose it over competitors.

Key Components of a Memorable Brand

A memorable brand encompasses several key components that contribute to its identity and leave a lasting impression on customers. These components include:

    1. Logo: A well-designed logo that encapsulates the brand’s essence and is visually appealing helps create a strong visual association with the brand.
    2. Visual Design: Consistent use of colors, typography, and imagery across brand materials and platforms helps establish a cohesive and recognizable visual identity.
    3. Brand Voice: The tone, style, and language used in brand communication should reflect the brand’s personality, values, and target audience, creating a consistent and relatable voice.
    4. Brand Values: Clearly defined and communicated brand values showcase what the brand stands for and how it aims positively impact its customers and society.
    5. Brand Experience: The overall experience customers have with the brand, including interactions with customer service, user interfaces, packaging, and marketing campaigns, shapes the perception of the brand and contributes to its memorability.

Exploring Creative Branding Techniques

Finding Inspiration: Exploring Logo Design and Visual Identity

A well-designed logo and a cohesive visual identity are essential to effective branding.

    • Importance of a Well-Designed Logo: A logo is the face of a brand, representing its values, personality, and offerings. It communicates professionalism, establishes credibility, and creates a strong first impression. It should be simple, memorable, and easily recognizable, leaving a lasting impact on customers.
    • Elements of Effective Visual Branding: Visual Branding encompasses various elements, including color palette, typography, imagery, and overall design aesthetics. These elements should align with the brand’s values, target audience, and desired brand perception. Consistency in visual branding across all touchpoints reinforces brand recognition and enhances brand recall.
    • Examples of Creative Logo Designs: There are countless examples of creative logo designs that have successfully captured the essence of a brand. From iconic and minimalist logos like Nike’s swoosh to intricate and symbolic designs like Apple’s bitten apple, creative logo designs can evoke emotions, tell stories, and create strong brand associations.

Harnessing the Power of Brand Storytelling

Brand storytelling is a powerful technique that enables businesses to connect with their customers more deeply. It involves utilizing narratives that evoke emotions, communicate the brand’s values, and create memorable experiences. Let’s explore how to harness the power of brand storytelling:

    • Utilizing Narratives to Connect with Customers: Stories can engage and captivate an audience. By weaving narratives into their brand messaging, businesses can create an emotional connection with customers. Whether through sharing the brand’s history, highlighting customer success stories, or showcasing its impact on society, storytelling humanizes the brand and fosters a sense of authenticity.
    • Crafting a Compelling Brand Story: A compelling brand story should be authentic, relevant, and aligned with the brand’s values. It should communicate the brand’s purpose, mission, and unique value proposition. By crafting a narrative that resonates with the target audience, businesses can foster a deeper connection and inspire customer loyalty.
    • Successful Brand Storytelling Examples: Many brands have effectively employed storytelling to enhance their brand image and connect with customers. For instance, TOMS Shoes tells the story of its “One for One” initiative, which resonates with customers who seek to make a positive impact. Coca-Cola’s campaigns often revolve around heartwarming stories that evoke emotions and create a sense of joy and togetherness.

The Science Behind Colors: Utilizing Color Psychology in Branding

Colors have a profound psychological impact on human emotions and behavior. When used strategically in branding, colors can evoke specific emotions and create associations with a brand.

    • Understanding the Psychological Impact of Colors: Different colors evoke different emotions and have unique psychological effects. For example, blue is often associated with trust and reliability, while red can evoke feelings of excitement and urgency. Understanding these associations and the cultural context surrounding colors can help businesses select hues that align with their brand values and desired emotional responses.
    • Choosing Colors that Align with Brand Values: Businesses must choose colors that reflect their brand personality and values. The color palette should align with the brand’s positioning and target audience. For instance, a natural and eco-friendly brand might opt for earthy tones. At the same time, a tech company may choose vibrant and futuristic colors.
    • Case Studies Showcasing Color Psychology in Branding: Numerous case studies demonstrate the effective use of color psychology in branding. One notable example is the red of Coca-Cola. The vibrant red evokes energy, excitement, and passion, aligning perfectly with the brand’s message of joy and indulgence. Another example is the use of green by Starbucks, which conveys a sense of freshness, sustainability, and a connection to nature, reflecting the brand’s commitment to ethical sourcing and environmental responsibility.

Crafting an Effective Brand Messaging Strategy

A compelling brand message is crucial for effectively communicating with your audience and creating a strong brand identity. This section will explore the key steps in developing a strong brand message, tailoring it to the target audience, and employing clear and impactful communication techniques.

    • Developing a Strong Brand Message: A strong brand message communicates the brand’s value proposition, purpose, and unique qualities. It should be concise, memorable, and resonate with the target. Businesses can craft a compelling message that sets them apart by defining the brand’s core values, benefits, and m apart.
    • Tailoring Messaging to the Target Audience: Understanding the target audience is essential for effective brand messaging. Market research allows Businesses to identify their audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points. Tailoring the brand message to address these aspects helps create a deeper connection and relevance. It’s important to consider the language, tone, and style that resonate with the target audience to ensure the message is relatable and impactful.
    • Techniques for Clear and Impactful Communication: Clear communication is sensitively conveying the brand effectively message. Utilizing techniques such as storytelling, using simple and concise language, employing visual aids, and employing repetition can enhance the clarity and impact of the message. Additionally, employing emotional appeals, highlighting key benefits, and incorporating a call-to-action can motivate the audience to engage with the brand.

Uniqueness and Differentiation: Standing Out in the Market

In a crowded marketplace, businesses must establish uniqueness and differentiate themselves from competitors.

    • Identifying Unique Selling Propositions: Unique selling propositions (USPs) are the distinct qualities, features, or benefits that set a brand apart from competitors. Identifying and highlighting these USPs helps create a competitive advantage and positions the brand as unique in the minds of consumers. USPs can be based on superior product quality, innovative features, exceptional customer service, or a niche target market.
    • Strategies for Differentiation in Crowded Markets: Businesses can employ various strategies for differentiation to stand out in crowded markets. These include focusing on niche markets, creating innovative products or services, providing exceptional customer experiences, offering personalized solutions, or adopting sustainable practices.
    • Examples of Successful Brand Differentiation: Numerous brands have successfully differentiated themselves from competitors. Apple differentiates itself through its sleek design, user-friendly interfaces, and seamless device integration. Volvo differentiates itself by emphasizing safety as a core value, appealing to consumers who prioritize vehicle safety features. These examples highlight how focusing on unique qualities and effectively communicating them to the target audience can lead to successful brand differentiation.

Unveiling the Secrets of Successful Branding Strategies

Successful branding strategies are the foundation of building a strong and recognizable brand. With the help of this, you can draw attention and access the relevant audience.

Key Principles for Developing a Branding Strategy

Developing a branding strategy requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some key principles to guide you:

    1. Define Your Brand’s Identity: Clearly define your brand’s identity, including its values, mission, target audience, and unique selling propositions. This awareness forms the foundation of your branding strategy.
    2. Consistency is Key: Maintain consistency across all brand touchpoints, including visual elements, messaging, tone of voice, and customer experiences. Consistency builds trust and reinforces your brand’s identity.
    3. Understand Your Target Audience: Conduct thorough market research and gather consumer insights to understand your target audience’s needs, preferences, and behaviors. This knowledge helps tailor your branding strategy to effectively connect with and engage your audience.
    4. Differentiate from Competitors: Identify what sets your brand apart from competitors and highlight those unique qualities in your branding. It helps you stand out and gives customers a reason to choose your brand over others.
    5. Be Authentic and Transparent: Build authenticity and trust by staying true to your brand’s values and being transparent with your audience. Authenticity fosters emotional connections and loyalty.

Leveraging Market Research and Consumer Insights

Market research and consumer insights are invaluable tools for an effective branding strategy. Here’s why they matter:

    1. Understanding Market Trends: Market research helps you stay informed about the latest trends, industry shifts, and consumer behaviors. This knowledge enables you to adapt your branding strategy accordingly and stay ahead of the competition.
    2. Identifying Customer Needs: Consumer insights allow you to understand better your target audience’s needs, pain points, and motivations. This understanding helps you create relevant and meaningful brand experiences that resonate with your customers.
    3. Testing and Refining Branding Elements: Market research provides an opportunity to test and gather feedback on branding elements such as logos, taglines, and messaging. This feedback helps you refine and optimize your branding strategy to better resonate with your audience.

Adapting Branding Strategies to Changing Trends

Adapting your branding strategies to changing trends is crucial to remain relevant and maintain a competitive edge. Why?

    • Staying Fresh and Innovative: You can infuse freshness and innovation into your branding by keeping up with evolving trends. Creativity helps your brand remain engaging and appealing to your target audience.
    • Connecting with New Generations: Adapting your branding to connect with new generations is essential as consumer preferences and behaviors change. Stay attuned to the values, aspirations, and communication channels younger demographics favor.
    • Remaining Agile in a Dynamic Market: The business landscape is constantly evolving. Adapting your branding strategies to changing trends allows you to remain agile and responsive to market dynamics, ensuring your brand stays relevant and competitive.

The Role of Branding Inspiration in Building Brand Awareness

Branding inspiration plays a pivotal role in building brand awareness and creating a strong presence in the market. Through strategic and inspiring initiatives, brands can captivate audiences, differentiate themselves from competitors, and forge lasting connections with their target customers.

Inspiring Creativity for Brand Awareness Campaigns

Creativity is the fuel that drives memorable and impactful brand awareness campaigns. Here are some ways to inspire creativity:

    • Embrace Outside Perspectives: Look beyond your industry for inspiration. Explore diverse sources such as art, culture, nature, and technology to spark new ideas and unique approaches to brand communication.
    • Encourage Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment where team members can freely share their ideas and perspectives. Collaboration often leads to fresh insights and innovative concepts for brand awareness campaigns.
    • Tap into Consumer Insights: Gain a deep understanding of your target audience through consumer insights. This knowledge helps you uncover their interests, preferences, and aspirations, allowing you to create campaigns that resonate with them on a deeper level.
    • Explore Unconventional Channels: Avoid traditional marketing channels and explore unconventional platforms and mediums. This medium can include leveraging social media influencers, creating interactive online experiences, or partnering with non-traditional brand ambassadors to generate buzz and engage your audience.

Innovative Approaches to Brand Promotion

To stand out in a competitive marketplace, brands need to adopt innovative approaches to brand promotion. Consider the following strategies:

    • Experiential Marketing: Create immersive experiences that allow consumers to interact with your brand firsthand. Marketing could involve hosting events, pop-up shops, or experiential activations that leave a lasting impression and generate positive word-of-mouth.
    • User-Generated Content: Encourage your audience to create and share content related to your brand. User-generated content builds brand awareness and fosters a sense of community and authenticity.
    • Storytelling through Multiple Channels: Tell your brand story through various channels such as videos, social media, blogs, and podcasts. This multi-channel approach ensures that your message reaches a wider audience and resonates with different segments.
    • Cause-Related Marketing: Align your brand with a social or environmental cause that resonates with your target audience. By championing a cause, you create a positive impact and build brand affinity and loyalty.

Expanding Brand Reach through Inspiration

It includes reaching new audiences and extending your brand’s influence. Consider the following strategies:

    • Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborate with complementary brands or influencers to expand your reach. Strategic partnerships can help you tap into new markets and expose your brand to a broader audience.
    • Localized Marketing: Tailor your brand messaging and campaigns to specific regions or local communities. This approach helps you connect personally with consumers and gain traction in new markets.
    • Content Marketing: Create valuable and shareable content that educates, entertains, or inspires your target audience. Through content marketing, you can position your brand as a trusted authority and expand your reach through organic sharing and engagement.
    • International Expansion: Consider expanding your brand into international markets if applicable. Research the target regions’ cultural nuances, preferences, and market dynamics to effectively adapt your branding and marketing strategies.

Branding Trends: Staying Ahead of the Curve

In the ever-evolving landscape of Branding, staying ahead of the curve is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. Brands can position themselves as forward-thinking and customer-centric. You have the chance to observe the trends in the industry and move with the change to beat the others.

Current and Emerging Trends in Branding

    1. Personalization and Customization: Consumers increasingly seek personalized experiences. Brands that can tailor their products, services, and messaging to individual preferences and needs are gaining a competitive advantage.
    2. Authenticity and Transparency: Consumers value authenticity and transparency in their brand interactions. Building trust through open communication, real brand stories, and ethical practices is crucial for long-term success.
    3. Brand Purpose and Values: Brands that align with a meaningful purpose and demonstrate strong values resonate with consumers. They are seen as more than just products or services but as agents of positive change.
    4. Interactive and Immersive Experiences: Leveraging technology, brands create interactive and immersive experiences to engage their audience. Virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification, and interactive storytelling are becoming popular tools for brand experiences.

Adapting to Technological Advancements

    • Digital Transformation: Embracing digital technologies and platforms is essential for effective branding. Brands leverage social media, mobile apps, websites, and e-commerce to connect with their target audience and deliver personalized experiences.
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation: AI-powered tools and automation streamline processes, enhance customer interactions, and provide data-driven insights. Chatbots, personalized recommendations, and predictive analytics are AI applications in branding.
    • Voice Search and Smart Devices: As voice assistants and smart devices become increasingly popular, brands need to optimize their content for voice search and adapt their strategies to cater to voice-driven interactions.

Integrating Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Branding

    • Ethical Sourcing and Production: Consumers are increasingly conscious of sustainable practices. Brands that prioritize ethical sourcing, eco-friendly manufacturing, and fair trade are appealing to socially conscious consumers.
    • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Incorporating CSR initiatives into branding strategies can create positive brand associations. Brands actively supporting social and environmental causes can foster loyalty and attract like-minded customers.
    • Transparent Communication about Sustainability: Brands must communicate their sustainability efforts transparently. Sharing information about eco-friendly practices, carbon footprint reduction, and responsible sourcing builds credibility and trust.
    • Circular Economy and Packaging Innovations: Embracing circular economy principles and adopting sustainable packaging solutions reduce waste and environmental impact. Brands that prioritize eco-friendly packaging demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.


Leveraging inspiration for branding success is not a one-time effort but an ongoing journey. It requires a deep understanding of your brand’s identity, audience, and market dynamics. You can captivate, resonate, and leave a lasting impression.

Consistency in your brand’s visual and verbal communication, authenticity, transparency, and technological advancements are essential to remember. Monitor industry trends to stay ahead. Successful branding is a continuous process that requires passion, adaptability, and a commitment to growth.

So, let your imagination soar, embrace inspiration, and embark on a journey of branding that will set your business apart, ignite customer loyalty, and lead to a successful and enduring brand.

Understanding Facebook Pending Marketplace for Successful Sales

Understanding Facebook Pending Marketplace for Successful Sales


The Fb (Facebook) marketplace is a popular online platform where users can buy and sell goods in their local area. It has gained massive popularity and has over 2 billion active users. One of its unique features is the ability to mark items as “pending,” which indicates that the item is currently being sold.

This article will delve into the idea of pending items on the Fb marketplace and offer helpful tips and insights for managing them successfully.

What Does Pending Mean on Facebook?

Facebook Marketplace allows users to buy and sell goods locally. One of the platform’s features is the ability to mark items as “pending” to indicate that the thing is in the process of being sold, but the sale is not yet finalized. To manage pending items, sellers should regularly check the “Pending” section on their Fb marketplace account and communicate with interested buyers directly through Facebook Messenger.

However, it’s important to remember that the pending status does not guarantee a sale, and buyers can still back out or experience issues with payment. Effective communication and clear payment policies can help sellers avoid misunderstandings and ensure a smooth sales process.

Facebook Marketplace Pending Payment

When selling items on Facebook Marketplace, it can be frustrating when a buyer marks a product as pending, but the payment is still pending. In such situations, it’s crucial to understand what pending payment entails and how to resolve any problems.

Pending payment on Facebook Marketplace refers to a buyer agreeing to buy an item but still needing to complete the payment process. This hold may be due to issues with their payment method or delays in processing payments by Facebook.

If you encounter an issue with pending payment, the first step is to talk with the buyer and try to resolve the matter directly. If the buyer is unresponsive or unwilling to pay, contacting Facebook Marketplace support for service may be necessary. It’s also essential to provide clear payment policies and instructions in the item listing to avoid buyer misconceptions.

How to Remove Pending on Facebook Marketplace

Managing and removing items from the pending status is crucial as a seller on Facebook Marketplace. Follow these steps to remove items from the awaiting level effectively:

    1. Communicate with the buyer: If the item is marked as pending. Still, you have not received payment or communication from the buyer; contact them directly to clarify the sale status.
    2. Cancel the sale: If the buyer needs to be more responsive or has changed their mind about the deal, cancel the sale and remove the item from the pending status. Go to the item listing, click “Mark as sold,” and select “Cancel sale” from the dropdown menu.
    3. Update the item listing: If you sold the item outside of Facebook Marketplace or decided to keep it, update the article listing to indicate that it’s no longer available for sale.
    4. Contact Facebook support: If you still have issues removing an item from the pending status on Facebook Marketplace, contact Facebook support for assistance.

Mark an Item Pending on the Fb Marketplace

    1. Log in to your Facebook account and go to Facebook Marketplace.
    2. Select “Your Items,” located at the top right-hand corner.
    3. Look through your listed items and locate the one that’s pending.
    4. Open the item and view its details.
    5. Scroll down to the “Item Status” section, which is positioned under the item description.
    6. Click on the dropdown menu under “Item Status” and choose “Pending.”
    7. Once you have selected “Pending,” the item will be marked as such. Potential buyers will see that the thing is currently pending and unavailable for purchase.
    8. To remove the pending status from the item, click on the dropdown menu under “Item Status” again and select “Active.”

By marking an item as pending, interested buyers will know that the item is currently unavailable but may be available for sale in the future. Keeping track of your pending items will also help you follow up with interested buyers when the item becomes available again.

Why can’t I mark it as Pending on Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace offers a “Pending” feature that can be useful for buyers and sellers alike. Unfortunately, some users may encounter difficulties marking their items as pending. It could be due to their location, other factors, or technical issues with Facebook’s platform.

If you cannot mark an item as pending, you can do a few things. One option is communicating directly with potential buyers to inform them that someone else is considering the item. Alternatively, you can use Facebook Messenger to message the interested party and tell them you will mark the item as pending shortly.

While it can be frustrating not to be able to mark an item as pending on Facebook Marketplace, some workarounds can help you manage your sales and purchases effectively. You can make the most of this valuable online platform by speaking proactively with potential buyers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is purchasing an item marked as “Pending” on the FB marketplace possible?

Technically, buying an item marked as “Pending” on Facebook Marketplace is impossible. The “Pending” status signifies that someone has already shown interest in the article, and the seller is waiting for that person to finalize the transaction. If the original buyer decides not to proceed, the item will become available again. It may be worth messaging the seller to express interest in the article if the original buyer drops out and the seller is willing to sell to you.

What is the reason for Facebook Marketplace to display “Pending”?

Facebook Marketplace labels an item as “Pending” when someone is interested in the article and the seller hasn’t yet confirmed the sale. This holding informs other potential buyers that the item is in high demand and helps the seller keep track of interested buyers. The item’s status changes to “Sold” when the seller approves the sale.

How much time is taken on the Facebook Marketplace?

The duration of processing a Facebook Marketplace transaction depends on the seller’s responsiveness and the payment method used. Some transactions may take a few hours, while others may take several days. Establishing a clear timeline with the seller and maintaining communication throughout the transaction is crucial to ensure a smooth process.

How long should you stay on Marketplace?

The wait time on Facebook Marketplace varies depending on the situation. If you have expressed interest in an item marked as “Pending,” it’s best to allow the seller some time to finalize the sale with the interested party. However, if you have yet to receive a response from the seller after a reasonable amount of time, it’s appropriate to follow up and inquire about the status of the sale.

Is it safe to sell on Facebook Marketplace?

While Facebook Marketplace can be a secure platform for selling goods, exercising caution and taking necessary precautions is essential. Always communicate with potential buyers via Facebook Messenger and refrain from sharing personal information or conducting transactions outside the platform. Meeting in a public place and bringing a friend or family member can also enhance your safety.


Facebook Marketplace is a valuable online buying and selling tool, but managing the platform’s pending status and payment systems can be challenging.

It’s essential to be strategic and stay on top of any issues arising to use Facebook Marketplace efficiently. Following these tips, you can successfully buy and sell goods on the platform and grow your online business.

What Is Personal Branding? Why It’s So Important

personal branding


Hey, do you want to create your personal branding? Keeping your self-brand worthy is tough, here’s we’ll see how to improve your brand identity.

Personal branding strategy is the way to show who you are as a marketer not marketing your brand. In short, it’s all about maintaining a good reputation for your business from the largest community.

Did you ever think about reasons why personal branding is important, and what techniques to use for your personal brand? Let’s dive into the article!

What Is Personal Branding?

An authentic process of creating your self-brand and showing who are you, what’re your standings, and how to deal with your project with your targeted audience.

On the other hand, self-branding increase your command in the market. But one thing to keep in mind it takes your precious time to get your personal brand rank.

Personal Branding

Steps To Improve Your Personal Brand

Before starting why personal branding is important, you must see what will be the best ways to improve your personal branding and advance the business. 

Step #1: Your Keen Interest

When you’re something doing, your focus is one of the top elements to do “anything”. Your personal brand is important, so make it over your competitors. Don’t try to do a hundred things at a time, do only one thing carefully.

Keen Interest

Step #2: Make Your Brand

Separating your brand from your personal life is one of the ways to maintain your presence.  While it’s simpler to have your lifestyle and brand when you’re developing a personal brand.

Your brand should be there wherever you go. It must reflect truly who you are and reinforce your beliefs.

Tim Salau made top personal branding examples for students who worked with college students to help them create brands that will land them jobs.

make your brand

Step #3: Explore Yourself

Finding your compatibilities is a tip to build a personal brand that plays a crucial role in your brand identity. Carefully explore who you are and what’re your skills. Your vantage is one of the most important. Many people ignored this point and failed. Do some brainstorming, write your skills list, and start doing.

Explore Yourself

Step #4: Always Act As A Genuine Person

Being honest and authentic is a simple method to build a personal brand. The audience will call out the culprit more loudly the more a brand is a copycat.

When you produce content and interact with your audience, your personal brand should be simple.

If you have a lot of expertise in one field, your reputation will be enough to help you create the brand you desire.

Step #5: Honesty Is The Best Policy

It is essential to stress this. Personal branding is not a dishonest practice. This is your identity, narrative, and life. Truthfulness is essential for personal branding, and the more genuine your brand is, the simpler it will be for you to remain true to both yourself and your brand. Your brand as an individual is something that must fit properly and make you feel at ease.

Step #6: Try To Choose The Best Platforms

Do you think where you will advertise your brand? I am talking about social platforms.

Related article: Build An Online Presence With 10 Best Proven Ways

Anyhow, you’ll have many options but choose the one which gives you the best results like:

Number of social media users worldwide from 2017 to 2027


If you want to maintain the privacy of your personal life, creating a separate Facebook profile for your work relationships-a fantastic option. Ensure that your “About” section is comprehensive, your website is connected, and your profile and cover images are of a good caliber.

top paltforms
Source: BackLinko


A more visual site like Instagram might be a terrific method to develop your brand. If you’re creative or enthusiastic about cuisine, beauty, fashion, etc. Remember to check that your bio accurately summarizes your narrative and that your pins and posts lend credibility to it.

branding on instagram


Make sure your Twitter profile tells your narrative and your tweets are consistent. Use the professional photo you just took. However, because just posting industry-related information might get a little dull, add some uniqueness. Try to pin the most attractive post at the top of the page.

Twitter stats

Step #7: Create Your Narrative

Half of your potential audience is already gone if your personal brand isn’t telling any story.

Creating a real narrative is now the best personal branding technique. Nobody likes to hear you about your business on social media, so develop an engaging description for your brand.

Best Narrative Methods

There are two primary methods of telling your narrative about your brand:

    1. Content
    2. Visuals

Video is the most intimate form of online communication. Simply use your smartphone to video chat with clients, engage with potential customers personally, and collaborate with coworkers.

Step #8: Your Consistency

Being consistent is quite similar to having a limited focus. If you regularly produce content and develop your brand to only one niche, it will be simple to be well-known.

Don’t undervalue how little disparities can undermine the impact of a personal brand.  On the contrary, CyreneQ, a prominent Snapchat storyteller, advises “something consistent either aesthetically or personality-wise.”

Therefore, consistency is important whether you’re developing a little or big business.

Step #9: Face The Failure

It is difficult to face failure and we all tend to ignore it, it is human nature. However, you must experience failure to build a personal brand that stands out from the competition.

“Until you fail a number of times while pushing outside your comfort zone, you’ll never attain the greatest branding.”

Thomas Hoang

The very best brands rarely emerge from sudden perfection. Most of them grow from constant trial and error, failures, and blunders.

Step #10: Your Positive Impact

There are typically two methods to continue to create your personal brand once you’ve done so over time:

    1. Jump over people and burn bridges.
    2. Gradually establish a community around your brand.

If you see the self-branding example of Jacob Shwirtz who has collaborated with several of the world’s best influencers, including beauty artist Michelle Phan.

In the long term, maintaining a positive outlook and giving back to others can only support the healthy growth of your brand.

Step #11: Observe The Famous One

People who are interested in personal branding need to start promoting themselves like the famous and powerful people they idolize.

Have you ever seen a Turkish ice cream vendor dance while selling his product? If you pay attention to various social media platforms rather than just concentrating on one of them, you may creatively analyze social analytics and identify the next major trend.

Step #12: Consider Your Legacy

Building a personal brand is considerably more important than starting a business, according to Blake Jamieson LLC. Legacy is the only exit plan.

A person’s personal brand is a lifetime work that is always changing and evolving. There are no hard-and-fast guidelines for developing a personal brand, according to professionals who construct or improve the most well-known brands in the industry.

Consider Your Legacy

Step #13: Think About Your Audience

Your target audience is also one of the personal branding ideas because these will promote you and your project. You just need to specify your people and how to influence them in terms of success. Search the queries like:

  • Where does your audience belong?
  • What type of audience interest?
  • What do they want in terms of securities?

These are some of the basic points that you don’t miss them.

Step #14: Create Your Website

Whatever else you do, having a personal website helps to build your brand’s value. You must showcase your greatest work in a portfolio and online homes that are provided for you. Your site must have your email list and link to social media sites. You’ll have a forum for long-form content if you create a blog. 

Related article: Domain Authority: What Is It And Is It Worth Focusing On?

An appealing web design set up by a simple site utilizing a website builder. No matter what path you choose, register like “” as a custom website domain name.

Step #15: Your Strong Public Relations (PR) 

Word of mouth is the finest kind of PR. There is no exception to this rule when developing a personal brand in the public domain. 

“Your name and the reputation you build are all you have in life.” Aaron Orendorff

Personal branding, he says briefly, is “the people tell about you while you’re not in the room.”

Moreover, this is one of the top golden rules of personal branding for advanced growth. Your relationship in the industry is important for building a strong personal brand. This is one of the core reasons why personal branding is essential. 

Why Personal Branding Is Important?

However, there are many benefits to creating your personal brand. Although, below are some of the points that describe the importance of personal branding.

Why Personal Branding Is Important?


People are more at ease when they feel like they know you since you have built a personal brand. It builds trust with your target audience, staff, future customers, or anybody else you interact with.


A person’s relationship with you can be facilitated by personal branding. As your reputation grows, you will be exposed to more people, which will have a good effect and generate excellent referrals. Create a network of individuals you value and care about, and establish connections with them. They will begin to care about you if they see that you are concerned about them.


Gaining recognition in your field of expertise through personal branding also enables you to leave a lasting impression on individuals you interact with both offline and online. Once you gain a reputation, your brand will be at the top of your chosen market. Instead of physical attributes, people are more interested in abilities.

Build Trust

You’ll gain confidence as you develop your personal brand. You’ll feel confident because of your skills and the positive qualities that you display in public. But it’s important to remember that everyone is a human.


The major one is your authenticity, trust, and genuineness. People want to meet the real one as you are. They are only interested in YOU, the individual. You may be real and show who you are with the aid of personal branding. To draw in the clients and tasks you want, make use of your individuality and sense of style.

What Are The Types Of Personal Branding?

There are many distinct types of personal branding, a 2011 New York Times study analyzing the psychology of information sharing identified six “personas” that stand out.

Types Of Personal Branding

The Altruist

Altruists are people who are well known for their dedication to helping others. These are people who are committed not just to their deeds but also to maintaining healthy interpersonal connections. Angelina Jolie, Dolly Parton, and Bill Gates fall into this type.

The Careerist

The people who have demonstrated a preference for professional growth over all other personal accomplishments are true careerists. This group includes Jeff Bezos, Simon Sinek, and Elon Musk.

The Hipster

Hipster branding describes a progressive subculture of people who value individualism above everything else. Although the phrase dates back to the Jazz Age. A hipster is someone who enjoys sharing their experiences with others after trying something new. Both careerism and altruism have elements that hipsters may accept. The poster child for the hipster is Kristen Stewart.

The Boomerang

People that post material and spark conversations just to stir up controversy are referred to be boomerang brand types. They frequently disagree with the information’s choice of subject matter. Karmelina Parouka fits this description.

The Connector

People who are connectors take great satisfaction in their capacity to unite disparate groups of individuals. These are often the well-connected people who openly use their network to bring others together. They are frequently creative, and they get approval and fulfillment from other people.

The Selective

A selective individual is one who only divulges information to chosen recipients. Based on the target audience’s general requirements and interests, they typically carefully filter material. They are mostly regarded as resourceful.

Top Personal Branding Examples

Many examples of excellent personal branding are now accessible. Look to such professionals for advice and motivation. Once you know who you want to be, branding is simple. Here are some illustrations of well-known persons who have developed outstanding personal brands via effort, determination, and a long-term focus:

Oprah Winfrey

Without a question, Oprah is the majesty of personal branding. She keeps enhancing the value of her brand. Oprah has always urged her audience of millions to realize their potential to live the best life imaginably. Her uncle repeatedly molested her when she was a young child. She has motivated countless others to be their best selves by being loyal to who she is.

Oprah Winfrey

Bill Nye

Bill Nye, a well-renowned expert in science, is the ideal illustration of effective personal branding. He is also well-known for his dad’s jokes, love of science, and position on global warming. As crucial to his personal brand as his talents as an entertainer is his passion for a cause and his ability to think critically

Bill Nye

Tonny Robins

Entrepreneur Tony Robbins is also the top-selling book on the New York Times bestseller list, a philanthropist, and the nation’s top life & business guru. Six of Mr. Robbins’ books have achieved international success.

Robbins, who is well-known for his writings and seminars, has always embodied his brand. His website emphasizes a personal brand that is modern and appropriate while avoiding the allure of the past.

Tonny Robins

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk, like many individuals with a strong personal brand, had a compelling upbringing. In Gary’s case, perseverance and hard work let him rise from poor beginnings to prosperity. He personifies self-determinism and sincerity. He presents himself as a realist who wants you to succeed on your terms when he posts information on websites like YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. In addition, he helped create VaynerMedia.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Other Renowned Self-Brand Examples

    • Tim Ferriss
    • Brandon Sanderson
    • Leonardo DiCaprio
    • Brian Dean
    • Kim Garst
    • Aaron Ward
    • Richard Branson
    • Kayla Itsines
    • Marie Forleo‍
    • Melyssa Griffin
    • Mindy Kaling
    • Charli Marie


Just think of the best self-branded experts like Elon Musk, Ellen, and many more.

The greatest method to position yourself as an authority in a field is through personal branding. It enables you to gain and adopt a definite position on your company’s aims, values, and objectives.

Build An Online Presence With 10 Best Proven Ways

Build an online presence


Have You ever thought about how businesses become successful in a while even if in pre-stages? The fact behind this is in-build a strong online presence strategy. The businesses having weak or non-existent web visibility disappear from the scenario.

Research reports that 80-90% of people do not bother clicking 2nd-page results. That’s quite alarming. And you can realize if neglecting it for small business what could you lose.

Now, it’s very critical to build an online presence for brand discovery, growth, earning leads, and sales. Even if you run a small business an effective presence online allows reaching your audience. The more people will explore you before you outreach them.

Creating an online presence is not simple as it seems. It’s not that could happen overnight but takes time from months to years.

Investing money and time without the right techniques is simply a waste of time. In the post, you’ll learn the proven tactics to build your online presence.

The ultimate goal:

The main purpose of digital presence is:

    1. Develop brand awareness and corporate identity
    2. Corporate information
    3. Providing product or customer service

In the end, you will be able to:

    • Know about online presence
    • Shape your strategy

What is Online Presence?

An online presence is how an organization or person is represented online. It can be anywhere on a scale from nonexistent to robust. More exposure and interaction are yours to dominate across digital channels like websites, social media, and email the more robust your company’s online presence is.

An example of an online presence

10 Proven Ways to Build an Online Presence

Let’s learn the ways to boost your business presence online, build relations, and reach potential targets.

1. Personify Your Brand

Online presence creation is equal to brand identity. It’s a tactic that many companies utilize in their brand building. In simple terms, Personify means to give human-like attributes or qualities to anything.

Today, a lot of brands coexist which makes it harder for customers to choose one. Uniquely representing your trademark helps to separate it from the rest. Moreover, it creates a strong impact that people always remember whether it’s a character, logo, or else one.

For example, Stephanie Courtney personifies the Progressive Insurance company by creating the persona Flo. She put efforts to create a robust reputation for Progressive Brand. Flo’s energy, giant smile, and instant wit established their brand image in true words.

The personification of the brand will help to appeal to the audience. The consumer will connect with your company. Once a connection builds, they will trust you and follow you on social media or come to a website.

2. Perform SEO to Optimize Your Website

Improving the website for the consumers is essential so they can discover you. SEO helps a lot to increase brand cognition and website presence. This makes it easier for customers to find you when they search for a query related to your business. This can be great to attract traffic and more chances to appear in SERPs.

You can also combine SEO efforts with Google ads that will raise online visibility. Establishing SEO-optimized sites builds credibility and trust. When someone finds a query as your business does, it means they believe in the information you provide them.

3. Map the Customer Journey

Review the steps your future customers take coming upon across your brand for the first time, considering alternatives, purchasing from the trademark, and remaining loyal. Then, define those for an individual customer segment.

Having loyal customers encourage you to strive more for the best to increase brand value. It allows you to understand customer engagement and how future consumers will pass through the sales funnel.

Data source: Forbes

4. Use Social Media to Show Your Audience

Today, social media has penetrated greatly people’s life. It’s a power pack marketing tool to promote and advertise your company or what you offer. It permits you in making strong relations with whom you know and trusts.

It’s a great thing to show presence on all big platforms but focuses on those which is essential for your customers and business. You will need to identify the channel where your audience can see you and can’t neglect you. Then it will grow the business presence online.

For example, if your target market is on Facebook, it doesn’t make sense to be on Instagram. Constantly work on a forum where your users stay for a long time.

Facts on the Usage of Social Media

2022 stats show that 75% of internet users research products on social media.

Source: Forbes

5. Highly Valued and Quality Content to Engage People

Everything you have but not content that gives value to the audience all efforts are useless. What can you provide them depends on how you plan the stuff.

Let’s say your target market is on Youtube then you will come up with video ideas and so on.

The users come to your website for a reason, they rely and trust on you what you are telling them.

What content can do for you?

    • It attracts customers and engages them with your trademark.
    • Expertise in your niche develops customer loyalty and trust.
    • Give a boost to SEO ranking driving more traffic and leading to better sales.
    • Positive buyer experience

The most important thing is to understand the pain points of your consumers. Only then you can generate value for people who search for the specific query. In this way, your digital presence will rise and people will want to follow you.

For example, if you sell various kinds of wireless AirPods, you can create quizzes to answer their questions.

It will make them curious and fun to learn helping them to decide the right option.

Data collection from ahref’s

6. Target Paid Search Marketing

A paid marketing search is a great step to reach new consumers but it’s a bit challenging. It’s a fast way to increase brand awareness and internet presence. Running ads on different media and search engines shows you at first pages and drags traffic to a website.

You need to do research before initiating an advertising campaign which platform suits your business. You have to think about what you want to promote whether it’s service, product, or email marketing. After that, it will be easier to find a target market.

Advertising may give you long-term results when you keep executing ads constantly. Otherwise, all success will vanish when you stop it. Paid advertising is very expensive so always choose one that doesn’t go out of the marketing budget. It requires tracking outcomes carefully.

For instance, some ads cost money that’s known as PPC marketing. Similarly, know about the display and social media ads and then see what performs well for you.

Paid ads show up in search engines fast.

7. Make a Website to Tell About Your Company

The website is the first thing that your consumers want to know about you. In addition to social media, it’s the place to show up your visibility. It will help people to know what services or products you offer, your business details, and your social activity.

Your website is the place where you present the solution to buyers’ pain points. You can raise your web visibility by creating a website that is super easy in every aspect.

8. Listing on Online Directories

Google My Business is among the top 5 web directories where you claim your listing. Adding your business to these guides helps to attract traffic organically.

These listings are very important for local SEO so that you can come in local searches. If someone types a query about your corporate, they can easily find you. Moreover, gaining reviews help other people to reach you.

Other web listings involve:

    • Yelp
    • Bing
    • Foursquare

9. Ask Customers to Submit Online Reviews

One of the solid marketing strategies to interact with your customers is online reviews. Most visitors will trust other buyers who review your services or goods. And, that’s will bring them to your website. This assists to build the online presence because consumers keep on referring you.


On 93% of buyers recommend Cooleasy which is proof that your services or products are satisfactory. 

If you take an example from daily life when you received a product from your desired shop. They always through a message to share your reviews. The company does so not only to gain loyalty but also to reach out to new customers.

Therefore, I recommend engaging your customers to post reviews. You can request a review by offering them a percentage on their next order if they do so. In return, respond to feedback whether good or bad. This behavior will increase the confidence of the consumer in your customer support.

    • In the 2020 BrightLocal study, 97% read reviews online to search for local businesses, and 12% daily.
    •  91% of customer trust online reviews from referring family, friends, or personal understandings. (BrightLocal, 2020)
    • 93% of customers read online reviews before buying. (2017 survey)
    • Review Trackers shows 63.6% of users check Google online reviews before visiting a business’ website.

10. Do Guest Posts on Relevant Sites to Connect

Why do you want to write content for someone else? Many reasons are there. When you get mentioned on someone else blog, you will not only gain a link that is beneficial to both of you. You will get your name out there and come in front of new audiences also.

Guest blogging is a mutual benefit. It helps to make connections to bloggers, and show the value you create, social repute, and brand identity. It will pay off all your SEO efforts and ROI.

Online Presence Examples

A wiki page, a profile page, a personal blog, a website, a company, and a social media presence are all examples.

Wrap Up

Web presence is the basic element of digital marketing efforts that you can’t ignore. Thus, concentrate on what your audience wants to learn about you. You should come up with that idea before your audience search query.  

By using these ways, you can create a strong presence online for small businesses.

Youtube is Adding Shopping Features and Affiliate Marketing to Shorts

Youtube is Adding Shopping Features and Affiliate Marketing to Shorts


Youtube is becoming the Biggest Competitor of Tiktok. It has begun to test its shopping features to Shorts and affiliate marketing to enable users to buy products from short video clips.

This new program is currently available for creators in the United States to tag products from their stores. Moreover, people in Brazil, India, Canada, and Australia can view the tags and purchase products through short video forms. Youtube said they are planning to expand tagging people from different countries in the future.

In addition, the company is also introducing an affiliate marketing program. It will facilitate content creators in the US to earn money when people purchase the recommended products in shorts or regular clips.

The video-sharing platform aims to extend it in the future but yet it is in the early stages, so experimenting is important.

Youtube announced its partnership that creators would also gain 45% of ad revenues in 2023. In the coming year, the makers could apply for the Partner Program if they fulfill the 1000 subscribers and 10 million shorts views criteria over 90 days. Then only they will receive the share of 45% from ads videos.

Youtube Partner Program Criteria
Source: Youtube

Youtube’s Shorts earned 1.9 billion users in a month but faced a 1.9% decrease in revenue over the years. Therefore, the platform looks at the shopping feature as an alternative to enhance its income.

Besides, the company is aiming to launch a Livestream Shopping feature on its forum. Meta also made changes to the Instagram Shopping tab.

Google Borrows From TikTok to Keep Generation Z Searching


Adults want all of their queries on TikTok and Instagram instead of Google. But, the top search engine Google wants them to back by creating some more visual content.

1. What is Generation Z?

The youngsters who were born between 1997 to 2012 (age 10 to 25) are called Generation Z. Google has shown that 40% of Generation Z are moving towards TikTok or Instagram. But Google is unbeatable in producing authentic content.

2. Why Do Generation Z Users Divert To Another Social Network?

Senior Vice President Prabhakar Raghavan talked about the new addition to the Google Search Engine. He said that Gen Z users prefer other social media networks instead of Google for all of their questions. Almost 40% of younger users divert their attention to TikTok or Instagram. Google also noticed they want some visual content instead of long text searches.

“The users don’t want to type any keyword as they want to see some more appealing content. Thus, Google announced its changing features with some more images and videos from TikTok. “

3. An Exploration For The Google Users

Google’s new feature shows results in a scrolling search list with images and videos related to social media content. One of the latest Google features is an exploration for mobile users in the tech industry. It can also see on Snapchat, Meta, and Twitter.

Google VP Cathy Edward also noted that it would help instead of searching for a long text question.

“We understand that there is a class of users who want to see the same content as on TikTok. Because it removed borders for creating excellent and appealing content. We are examining some other ways to create visual content.”

The new feature will only be available to iPhone users and restricted to only travel and tourism searches. However, it may include some live music and will come in the coming month in English.

4. Neighborhood Vibe – Google Map New Feature

The new Google Map feature, Neighborhood Vibe, is the platform to decide what type of content will show in a specific area at any time. The people searches and their algorithms will do this. It will offer a quick view of what is happening in a community, showing indicators and images from feedback on maps. The Vice President of Google Maps, Christopher Phillips, said:

“Young users want to see more appealing visual content to get quick information and understanding.”

5. What is the Google Additional Section?

Google also revealed its updated additional section for recommendations:

      • The power to capture a dish image to find a location near you.
      • A Google Maps extended reality mode overlaps listings such as transit stops and ATMs over a phone’s live picture of the world.

6. Google’s New Threat

Meanwhile, Google is facing new challenges as Amazon starts to eat Google’s business. Amazon ranked first place where most of the US wants to buy online.

On the other hand, Morgan Stanley advised Google to create a Free Home Mini smart speaker for its market supremacy. This technique might be shown as silly, but it worked.

Free Home Mini smart speaker

7. Amendment In Google Search

Google search will reshape compared to TikTok apart from US and European Union rules. The EU has previously punished businesses with millions of dollars for advertising their retail services in search results. It is tightening its scrutiny on platforms considered to be self-dealing.

Some partners of the US Congress are considering antitrust legislation restricting dominant internet platforms from preferencing their products. Unfortunately, that bill has a limited chance of passing before a new Congress takes office in January. Still, if it does, it may change how Google products and services are shown in search results and limit how much Google favors YouTube Shorts over Instagram and TikTok.

How Important is Brand Identity, Logo and Brand Kit for a Website?


The way your personality makes you unique, brand identity, logo, and brand kit add a special sauce to your brand that apart you from every Dom, Tick, and Harry. It gives a hit to your company.

If you have something in mind to shape a brand or want to recognize it, then you are at the right place.

An influential brand takes the business to success; that’s why all of it is important.


Question is:

How does creating a brand identity, logo, and brand kit take the company to the next level?

Why is all this so important?

Is it different from branding?

And lots more.

In this post, you will uncover everything one-by-one.

Let’s kick off things with definitions.

1. Brand Identity: What is it?

The group of elements that the company builds to depict the correct image to its customers makes brand identity.

It is different from brand image and branding but somehow used alternatively.

Here’s a breakdown of this:

Branding is the marketing practice, while a brand is the people thinking about your company.

Brand Identity: What is it?

Brand Image vs. Brand Identity

A brand’s identity is confused with the brand image as the same but not it is.

Brand image is how brands want to think of it. But, simultaneously, the latter is the people thinking of a brand resulting after customers interact with it.

How to Create a Powerful Brand Identity

Before thinking about what elements will make up your brand identity, who you are as a brand.

Know who you are.

A few elements make up who you are as a brand:

    • What is your mission (what is your “why?”)
    • Your values (what beliefs motivate your business?)
    • Your brand’s personality (what type of personality would your brand have if it were a person?)
    • How do you stand out from the Competition with a distinctive position?
    • Your brand’s voice (how would your brand speak if it were a person?)

These attributes define your brand and are better to identify before creating a brand identity.

Creating brand uniqueness needs exploring things and focusing that can meet business goals and convey a correct message.

The areas that can help you in brand awareness include:

    • Media coverage
    • Advertisements
    • Email marketing
    • Customer service interactions

Elements of Brand Identity

Different from other brands, cause to be memorable in the customers’ minds. It includes brand elements that promote the business. The brand name, logos, and taglines are also part of it and are not limited to these elements. Visual and non-visual elements are also included that give better user intention.

Visual Elements

Here is the breakdown.

Brand Name:

It is a name that identifies the services of a company and differs from others.

Brand Name

Brand Logo and tagline:

A logo can be a text or symbol that shows what it offers, and a tagline is a description that conveys the company’s message. 

Brand Logo and tagline
Source: Pinterest
Colors palette:

What colors a brand uses in its brand is selected by color palette.

Colors palette
Source: Pinterest

Typography is the art and styling of the text or characters that a company uses in its trademark and is different for every brand.

Source: Pinterest

It’s a set of different visual elements that deliver the business message.

Non-Visual Elements

Have a quick review.

The personality of a brand:

The combination of human qualities given to a trademark is said to as its personality. The visual company’s brand components and client contact help this personality.

Brand Associations:

These are things that the consumer believes are connected to the name but are not part of it. These include well-known individuals, partner brands, and so forth.

Brand Voice:

The Consistency in word choice, attitude, and values defines whether addressing the target audience or others is said to be a brand voice.

Why Brand Identity is Important

What makes a trademark unique? There is some importance of firm image.

Build Personality

A brand identity depicts the visuals of your business’s beliefs and “personality.” Identity design creates your brand’s style and, thus, urges the audience’s feelings. The goal of shaping brand identity is to convey your company’s overall message while promoting your business goals.

brand Personality
Source: Pinterest

Create Consistency

Brand identity helps you create a consistent message throughout all marketing materials. Each component should have the same core styles and design elements, resulting in a unified branding bundle.

Differentiation from Competitors

Brand identity is helpful to make a difference in the Competition and position your business. Thus, it makes the brand’s creative identity stand out to potential customers in the market.

Differentiation from Competitors
Source: Pinterest

Create Awareness

Building a solid brand identity shows that your brand is well-known. Featuring brands at different places will build consumer-brand relationships and impacts in mind.

Create Loyalty

A good brand identity helps build Loyalty and trust of customers in the brand. Thus, it connects customers with the product.

Examples of Brand Identity

Briefly look at the examples of how design identity works.


Coca-brand Cola’s identity tactics have been in place since the turn of the 20th century, and they link its brand with the happy emotions of joy and red and white. The company also adopts a unique quality for its bottles, separating them from the competitors.

The brand’s positioning has remained constant: it is a premium soft drink connected to positive emotions.

Procter and Gamble

The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) is a global consumer products firm based in the United States. It focuses on personal health/consumer health, personal care, and hygiene items.


Compared to other brands, Apple has one of the most distinct identities. It stands out because it uses the word “i” before each product, charges a high price, and has unique branding.

Source: Pinterest

Next, it leads to Brand Logo.

The elements that go with the growth of the business, along with making a logo, are also essential.

The thing that also makes a brand successful is a logo.

Brand logo

How is a Logo so Important for a Business or Website?

Because a logo captures attention, impacts a powerful impression, memorable, sets it apart from the Competition, and promotes brand loyalty, customer acceptance, and the basis of brand identity.

Eye Catching

A logo in a while can catch the viewer’s attention and impressively convey a company’s message. That visual appearance, as a result, in a short time, causes the customers to know your business and can benefit if you have an influential logo for a brand.

Eye catching logo
Source: Pinterest

Create the First Impression

Well said that the First impression is the last. The logo of a brand is the introduction of your company. This intro is a way to communicate with the consumers about your product(s) or niche.

At first, what you convey to the viewers will remain long-lasting, either bad or good in their minds; however, it is impressive if you designed it creatively to deliver the core values and attract the audience to learn more about you.

Create first impression in identity
Source: Pinterest


Logos are symbols that recognize your company to the customers. Ideally, you will want to connect your logo with the company of what it does. So, people instantly recall what you are and how it makes them happy.

It’s a visual and aesthetic element that triggers positive memory in people’s minds about the brand, which perhaps a company alone can’t. People can forget about the business or company but immediately reconnect with the brand’s logo. That means something impactful.

Memorable logos
Source: Pinterest

Separates from the Competition

Creativity to do different comes out to be different. The brand symbol tells the consumers why they are different. A well-designed sign will tell the people about the company’s history to its mission.

That element conveys the core values and shows why you are different from competitors.

Separates from the competition
Source: Pinterest

Promotes Brand Loyalty

Consumers have a strong desire for Consistency. As the brand grows, the logo gets popular among many customers. That familiarity creates a perception of a loyal and trusted brand.

For example, you are shopping for a workout and at once look at track pants with Nike swoosh. You instantly decide to buy it without thinking more. Why? Because of brand loyalty and trust.

Once a brand has such logos, trust is built, and commitment automatically follows. With people liking, they, again and again, look for you, and the thing that comes to mind first will be the logo.

Promotes brand loyalty
Source: Pinterest

Basis of Trademark

Successful branding is storytelling that triggers the customers’ feelings in simple and plain words.

Logo design is only an element that tells the story of a company. The foundations describe the company’s background, which is the basis of the brand.

The story you want to tell the people determines colors, fonts, and tones. And the logo design is the only one that sets the history. All other elements come later, from the logo to the branding material package. For example, letterheads, business cards, and landing pages make a powerful brand identity package.

Basis of trademark
Source: Pinterest

Customer Acceptance

The customer first looks for the brand symbol when they want to talk with your brand. Therefore, all your marketing materials, like flyers, ads, and business cards, should have the foremost thing: the logo.

Without a brand symbol that can stand out in a business, you miss the chance to impact people’s minds.

Customer acceptance
Source: Pinterest

3. What is a Branding Kit?

A brand kit is a set of assets or guidelines that helps a business build its brand. It creates Consistency in how your trademark looks and feels.

Branding tools may include anything:

    • Branding elements: Icons, fonts, colors, typography.
    • Social media materials: Posts, cover photos, ads, etc.
    • Brand values: Message, core values, etc.
    • Marketing forms: Invoices and receipts.

Branding guidelines and kits for the brand are not the same. The first defines how the brand is presented, while the latter maintains Consistency.

Having the same look and feel throughout the trademark to keep engaged and memorable in the target audience requires the visual components in one place. This look saves time and effort to find a lot of information here and there. And all that you will have in Branding Kit Package.

4. Branding Kit Package: What is it?

It is a set of digital and physical resources created to build the brand’s image. In the package, every item shows the desired styles that bring the company’s values and convey the message to the people. This Consistency in design creates trust and Loyalty.

The branding kit’s packaging may include anything from a logo to marketing materials.

5. What to Include In Brand Kit?

It is essential when discussing uniformity, which is a brand’s backbone. Therefore, you should include vital information and elements in the identity brand kit so that it does not disturb the integrity of your brand.

Keep in mind to hold the balance and work throughout the branding. There is a lot of information and components that you can include in the kit for the brand.

    • Message
    • Logos and wordmarks
    • Visual attributes
    • Typography
    • Colors
    • Social media stuff
    • Mission and values
What to Include In Brand Kit?
Source: Pinterest

6. The Importance of Branding Kit

In the digital era, everything has a trademark. Small to large businesses, social media accounts, and people also have brands. Consumers have continued access to countless products and services. People can easily reach products or services using technology. Keeping this, business owners need to create a consistency that engages the consumer and builds trust.

Consumers love Consistency because it opens ways of ease. People can find businesses, products,s or services easily. It keeps consumers engage. It always helps to remain consistent with your business marketing and reach people. Moreover, it enables to recognition of the brand.


The first reason is that it creates recognition. The more people connect with the colors, logos, and taglines of the company, they feel happy.

Besides, it shows that your brand is unique. What are others doing the same? Being different recognizes you.

Every time people will recall your business because of recognition.

Source: Pinterest


Consistency is not what you can find in branding kits. However, there’s a lot where Consistency is so important.

For example, if you have a brand that is unfamiliar to people. You may overlook colors, fonts, logos, etc. But how will you look when it expands? Will its Consistency remain the same?

Kit in branding is super easy and sharable. Having all the visual components in one place save time and confusion.

Consistency of brand
Source: Pinterest

Brand Loyalty

Customers would love to feel and memorize your brand when they see Consistency in it. A strong and positive emotional connection will urge them to purchase again without thinking. This thing is what creates brand loyalty.


Another reason to use a branding kit is for marketing. It makes your brand clear and consistent to the ones who want to create ads or promotions. Branding identity and kit click your mind on how to use visual elements. It means you can guess color palettes, suitable logos, and taglines.

It simplifies the marketing process.

Source: Pinterest

Wrap Up

The identity of the brand makes you different from the competition. It shows your customers who you are and what they can expect from you.

Brand Logo helps for successful business and memorable. The branding kit helps place visual elements together, maintaining consistency.

Without Yodo How Your Business Grows

Without Yodo How Your Business Grows


To run your business smoothly, you need a web service that helps to uplift your company. Otherwise, you are left behind, affecting the organic traffic to your site.

Bad Branding

Branding is a strategy to set oneself out from competing products or services. Branding is a marketing strategy and a method of identifying a company’s identity and services. In the eyes of the consumer, your name, design, logo, or organization creates an image of what they may anticipate from you.

You can make sense of what you’re selling and which products might match client demand by branding your company.

Logos, brochures, color schemes, and advertisements are examples of areas where you might establish a brand. All of this has a significant influence on the company’s image.

Without Yodo, you can’t do branding your products. It is because Yodo knows the client’s demands and needs. Without Yodo, you can’t enhance your company’s branding. As Yodo helps boost your business, that will help you and your company.

Without Yodo, branding will not work effectively in :

  • Develop a reputation
  • Gain trust
  • Make confident
  • Encourage contentment.
  • Enhance the quality of the business
  • Acquiring new clients
  • Advertising
  • The maximum possible ranking
Poor branding affects a decrease in business growth.

Poor Web Designing

The basic structure of a website is web design. It’s also one of the variables that might help your company grow. Users have a favorable impression of a well-designed and organized website. The layout is just as important as the content.

Even with a simple design, a professional website can help immensely than an unprofessional design. It affects your website. How you design your website demonstrates how much time and attention you put into it. It has the potential to boost your click-through rate. It turns visitors become customers. A clunky site, on the other hand, projects a negative picture. The web design must be appropriate for the website’s theme.

Yodo is the best platform where you can get your professional website. Without having Yodo, you may not have a user-friendly website. The outstanding designers of Yodo give you an attractive site design that grabs more and more customers. If you are not registered with Yodo, you probably lost yourself in the market.

Poor web design increases the bounce rate.

Infographics And Other Design Related Material

Infographics present information in images, charts, and videos to simplify understanding. It improves the capacity to absorb information swiftly. Though it is simple to read, it is challenging to create. It is the designers’ inventiveness that allows it to evolve quickly.

Infographics may help your website appear more appealing. It is because you can turn a piece of information into a visual representation.

Having a Yodo, you can do this by Yodo’s experts. Most people don’t want to read the content of your website, and they want to read from the charts and symbols. If you are not with Yodo, you lose your presence in the market. Yodo has the best infographics experts who boost your business on the market.

Not SEO Ready Website

For a Google ranking, SEO is the most crucial factor to become ranked. The main aim of SEO is search engine optimization to get attention, grab customers, and increase the conversion rate. Undoubtedly, SEO is another way to best factor to get the authentication from Google. One thing that should keep in mind is that all the ranking depends on your content.

Yodo is the first SEO-ready website that boosts your business by grabbing people. However, without Yodo, you can lose these SEO-ready services. Furthermore, it needs your time to have a high Google ranking on SEO. Although, Yodo SEO services pull you at the market’s competition.

Poor SEO drops down you in the SERPs.

Poor User-Friendly Web Development

If you have a user-friendly website, it determines your success. For better progress, the company must have a 24/7 days active website. However, if you fail to do this, you fail to satisfy your customers. So, you must have a user-friendly and 24/7 days functional website.

In this era, different people with different screens to do their work. Many business people and entrepreneurs use it. So, it would be best if you had a web development that works on all the devices without any error.

Need help?

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What Is A Brand Architecture And How To Get It Done?

Brand architecture


You might have thought about Brand Architecture and what’s Brand Architecture success is. Consumers’ views and choices about one brand they learn or interact with is successful Brand Architecture.

After years, the companies that succeed set an example of new and legacy brands with their own brand identity. It can be confusing for the customers, making them unable to buy.

Brand architecture is an essential guide and a part of brand strategies that ensure an organized brand structure focuses on value, identity, equity, communication, and targets. This also helps to control how your customers understand the brand.

The article summarizes what brand architecture is and how to get it done to grow the business.

What Is Brand Architecture?

Brand architecture is a way to organize the brands, products, or services into sub-brands of the master brands. This model not only shows how the brands manage but also how they relate with each other. It also helps a marketer to separate the brands or bring them together to grow the market.

Let’s discuss types of brand architecture and how they work.

Types of Brand Architecture

    • The branded house
    • House of brands
    • The endorsed brands
    • Hybrid Brand
types of brand architecture
Source: Google

1. The Branded House

The branded house includes the master brand’s extensions with key features describing the products or services. Master brand is a part of this brand structure. All the sub-brands link with each other and work.

This architectural structure gets the benefits of brand equity, awareness, and customer loyalty. As a result, the customers would love to adopt such sub-brands without question. The reason is the master brand’s relationships and trust.

Branded architecture layout
Source: Google



FedEx is such a branded house model with a portfolio that runs different companies under the same master brand. Such kind of model provides greater customer experiences, thereby minimizing confusion and building brand equity.

Benefits Of Branded House
    • Efficient marketing
    • Advertising
    • Positive impact

2. House Of Brands

The house of brands is different from the branded house because all sub-brands work independently. These are distinct from the master brand. Master brands under this structure do not focus on the same audiences but target a wide range of audiences from multiple industries.

This type of brand works well for consumers with variant brands. Whether products or service variations are known or not to consumers.

In this brand architecture, the parent brand remains hidden while getting benefits. This structure can be seen where the companies buy subsidiaries. These brands do not advertise their parent brand due to pricing, quality, or target audience strategies.

Procter and Gamble brand architecture
Source: Google



Procter and Gamble is a house of a brand model in which a dozen products are marketed under this parent name. That makes sense and shows many products are marketing for decades under the P&G brand name.

Other examples:

    • Newell
    • Procter & Gamble
    • Unilever
    • Nestle
    • General Motors
The benefit of House Of brands
    • The benefit we get is to reach diverse audiences and markets.
    • The sub-brand operates independently and has flexibility.

3. Endorsed Brands

This brand architecture comes between a branded house and a house of brands. The sub-brands show changes in position, appearance, and messaging while benefiting from the parent brand.

In the endorsed brand model, a two-way relationship forms that both brands enjoy the benefits. The parent brands show more power than the other brands in this.

Endorsed brand structure
Source: Google



An example of an endorsed brand is Marriott which provides a way in naming and building a brand.

Other examples include:

    • Nabisco
    • Kellogg
    • Ralph Lauren
    • Caterpillar
    • Honda

4. Hybrid Brand

This model is a combination of two or more brand architectures. In this structure, the sub-brands follow the parent brand so that it feels like a parent brand.

It allows changes to multiple brands of different hierarchies, including various market brands. Even for small brands, it is better to work.

Hybrid brand structure
Source: Google



Microsoft is a hybrid brand where the company uses the branded house strategy for Windows and Office. And the house of brands as well-Xbox.

Some other brands that are hybrid structures are:

    • Alphabet
    • Coca-Cola
    • Microsoft
    • Amazon
    • Marriott Bonvoy

How To Get It Done?

Building a brand structure is not a simple task to be done overnight. It takes time and effort, including research, strategy, structure, and execution. This may involve:

  • The customer views are important they tell you about what they value and how they see the company and market.
  • A communications audit to see how the way you communicate with the marketplace.
  • Understanding the competitor’s brand structure and way of communication needs competitor’s research.
  • Need to create strategies for communications as well as for internal and external brand launches.
  • One-to-one interviews with experts, stakeholders, and executives.

Wrap Up

What type of brand architecture you should choose for your company depends on the factors such as marketing goals, current architecture, products or services mix, and current product.  It also needs to consider the customer experience.