Today, I will tell you the strategies to promote your blog.
In fact:
Moreover, below are some valuable strategies to promote your blog for maximum monthly visitors.
Table of Contents
1. Post-Guest Bonuses
A fantastic technique to promote your blog is “guest blogging.”
But, the only one problem:
Although, it is difficult to get people on your site through your guest post.
According to the searches, minimum of 50 visitors come from an average guest post.
Is there any solution?
Post-Guest Bonuses
You don’t just tack a link at the bottom of your post when you have a guest post bonus.
Despite you are offering something unique to the people that compel them to reach your site.
For instance, let’s have a look at The Buffer blog.

And also, have a bio link of the author.

2. Publish Data-Driven Stuff
Data-driven material is BOOMING.
And, yes:
Content data-driven is an excellent way for your blog to promote.
For instance, this considerable search engine ranking factor was studied a few years ago.

Meanwhile, this post got shared by thousands on social media.
And massive backlinks.
But, one issue was:
It was challenging and also an expensive study.
Moreover, servers were available. Crawlers. Partners in data. Issues. Bugs. Several million data points. With a ton more.
Data-driven content requires more effort than a list article, yes.
But it needn’t be THIS difficult.
After the search engine ranking factors, this research on voice search shows:

This was hard to do.
Firstly, Google Home asked 10,000 questions.
Then, manually answering.
Lastly, it summarized the data.
So yes, it is complicated. But, 20x easier than other Google research.
This technique can get a massive number of people on Day 1.
3. Upgrade and Update Old Content
Upgrade and Update every single post on the site.
Somehow, it is not easy, but it is worth it.
Now, let’s see some of the steps for this.
Step #1: Go to your blog’s last page.
Step #2: Upgrade and Update the old stuff.
For example, remove the old images, and update the facts, figures, and case studies.
Step #3: Modify the “date and time” and upgrade to “Live”
Therefore, repeat this process as many times as you can for each post. This may take months, depending on how many posts you have (or even years).
In actuality, updating all of your stuff takes weeks. But as you could see, it was well worthwhile.
4. LinkedIn Sharing
Sharing on LinkedIn is also an excellent way to promote your blog. It has 830 million users.
LinkedIn has not a massive number of users. So, it means that it is underdeveloped.
In reality:
You can have severe people on LinkedIn if you post some of your best content there.
Therefore, when you are trying to publish something unique and extraordinary, you’ll stand out.
5. Facebook Boosted Posts (With Retargeting)
It is true that Facebook has only 0% organic reach right now.

This means that you need to enhance your posts if you want views from them.
In fact:
CPCs are earning super expensive on Facebook. If you are in a B2B position.
Undoubtedly, retargeting on Facebook can decrease your CPC by 25 to 75%.
Therefore, only target those who visited Backlinko in the last 60 days.
And, also target those that you know will be interested in your content.
6. With Very Easy Newsletter
Everyone should remember that newsletters are the greatest and top-notch approaches to promote your blog.
Super Easy and Unique Newsletters work best.
No flowery graphics.
No lengthy intro.
No photos.
Just a brief introduction and a link to the blog.
Additionally, CTRs for newsletters are 2-3 times better than the industry average for a list of a specific size since they concentrate on the key message (that we recently published a new piece).
7. Promote To Diverse Audiences
Promoting to other multiple audiences can also get massive traffic to your site.
For example, try to create an attractive CTA button.
Ask people to get subscribers on social media platforms.
And this simple technique can promote your blog.
8. Collaboration With Other Blogs
Collaboration with other blogs can also make your blog promoted.
Studies show that collaboration is an excellent way to stand out.
Although Brian Dean collaborated with Pitchbox for this study. It’s just a win! He attained the excellent data that he wanted for the data-driven blog post. In addition, others earned and updated the blog.

9. Highly Specialized Outreach
Many of us use outreach bloggers only to promote content.

And, this all is wrong.
Unfortunately, they all are at the same pitch for hundreds of people.
It’s bad!
You can quickly get traffic only from High Specialized Outreach.
But, How? Just make every outreach email-a specialized.
According to outreach studies, personalized email has a 32% chance of reply compared to the same pitch.

10. Attractive Social Media Images
Based on A LOT of testing, I will tell you that your social image makes a significant difference.
For instance, we used to throw together our social media photos at the last minute. Or use a random image from the blog.
These days, we design social media graphics that catch someone’s attention on their Twitter or Facebook page.
When we publish something using statistics, for instance, we provide a striking chart:
(We adjust the graph to fit the requirements of the image sizes for Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.)
Things like these require a little bit of extra work.
However, in the experience, the boost in traffic you get more than pay for it.
11. Creating YouTube Videos Using Blog Content
Creating your blogs into YouTube videos makes your content stand in high rank.
And it will take your time.
You just try to turn your content into visuals that will stand out. This process is much easier to promote your blog.
12. Answer To Every Single Comment
Try to answer all the comments on every single blog post.
One thing should keep in mind that publish only world-class content.
Secondly, reply to the comments within 48 hours after the blog post goes live.
Answering the people shows that you care about them and their time. Not a long answer, if you answer them “Thank You”it is excellent.
Also replying is also one of the main factors in building an active community.
13. Create Blog Posts About NEW Topics
Are there several well-established competitors in your niche?
In reality, Brain Dean was the first who create Backlinko blog posts.
But how he stood and get ranked?
He created blog posts about new topics that others weren’t doing.
His blog post about YouTube SEO:

Then, building an email list:

This same strategy he is following and his content stand out:
14. Bonuses For Podcasts
This is comparable to the earlier Guest Post Bonus tactic I mentioned.
However, as opposed to making a bonus for each guest post…
You create a set of perks for each podcast you appear on as a guest.

Additionally, the additional segment was expressly acknowledged at the end of the episode, which increased traffic.
Furthermore, email subscribers are increasingly crucial.
Here is the precise procedure after that.
Step #1: Create Something Unique
Create something unique that podcast listeners would be interested in.
Your extras need to support the topics you’ll cover on the podcast ideally.
This bonus content included:
- An instant case study
- A collection of on-page SEO factors
- Also included is a swipe file containing 25 posts and videos for creating links.
Step #2: Run only By Podcast Host
Ask the podcast host about it. Most people won’t have an issue with it because you’re giving their audience something significant. However, calling beforehand never hurts.
Step #3: Bonus Section Landing Page
Host the landing page for the bonus section at an easy-to-remember and type the URL.
After they sign up, you must configure your email marketing tool to send them the bonuses.
All there is to it is that.
15. Speak at Events
Speaking at different conferences is a FANTASTIC way to promote your blog posts.
Speaking in front of 400 to 500 people makes it not worth and grow your blog post.
Brain Dean tried to meet other leader of speakers. These were the expert in MARKETING and SEO.
Speaking at different events only helps to make partnerships and friendships with other leaders. This will only give you a chance for an initial investment.
16. Publish Posts at The Right Time
Is there any best time to publish a blog post?
Anyhow, searches show that there is not a specific time to blog post.

But. it will be a little bit helpful.
If you want to promote your blog post, publish it at the Right Time.
The best thing is that every blog post has a different “best time.”
On the other hand, research has shown no specific or best time to “publish a blog post.”
17. Commenting Helpful on Others’ Blogs
This is an excellent technique for promoting your blog post when you are a beginner.
Thus, leave helpful comments on others’ blog posts as Brian Dean did:
These insightful remarks directly influenced several guest blogs and requests for podcast interviews.
18. Alliance for Blog Creation
You make friends with other bloggers through a “Blog Alliance.”
And “Blog Alliance” is far more excellent than “make friends.”
And these phone calls were VERY beneficial.
Therefore, having someone to discuss writing, recruiting, tools, products, and newsletters is helpful.
But also shared particular pointers and strategies that benefited both parties.
Send them a brief note in the form of the following if you know of another blogger who is roughly on the same level as you:
Hey [Name],
What you’re doing at [Blog Name] is fantastic.
The way I [Blog-Related Thing] was influenced by [Something They Teach].
I’d love to chat on Skype if you’re up for it.
[Your Name]
19. Case Studies of Readers
A hidden weapon used to build the site quickly was reader case studies.
With that said, below is the detailed procedure.
Choose an approach, method, or advice you wish to emphasize first.
Find a reader who responded favorably to anything you said in the second place.
Finally, develop a thorough case study with your reader.
Or, they send you the information. You then document what transpired.
In this manner, it is not a guest post. And you continue to write in your style.
For instance, a few years ago, Brian Dean and Chris Gimmer collaborated on the following Skyscraper Technique case study:

20. Make Creative Charts, Images, and Visuals
Every post should have two to three images, graphs, or mini-infographics. If the post is successful, other blogs will see your images. And a modest but considerable portion will incorporate your images into their text.

21. Increase Your List Posts
A list post is a staple of blogging.
And they have no intention of leaving anytime soon.
List postings received more social shares than any other type of content, according to a BuzzSumo content study:

So, think about it; this makes sense.
People adore efficient advice and strategies that they can put into action immediately.
Additionally, a list article has several strategies on a single page.
Bonus #1: List Posts Always Begin With Your Most Innovative Tip.
Here is a list-posting error that many bloggers commit:
They began their list with the most important and valuable advice.
Why is this error?
In any case, someone who stumbles onto your list article is searching for something fresh.
You must thus start by presenting them with your most original plan.
Thus, as opposed to structuring your list posts as follows:
Put them in this order:
To put it another way, start and conclude your list with tactics your reader will likely find novel.
For instance:
A few years back, Brian Dean released a list piece about acquiring more views on YouTube.

Although, the first suggestion suggested a new method for making more valuable thumbnails.
Is this the most crucial thing you could do to increase views?
However, it IS a tactic that most people have never heard of. Therefore, they’ll read on.
Then, list the tactics that have the most impact.
Bonus #2: Make Your Content More Tweetable
This is a SIMPLE technique to increase the number of Twitter users that share your material.
This is how it goes:
Find a quotation from your article that is worth sharing first.
Alternatively, put a Tweetable Quote.
Moreover, a tweetable quotation is a concise, compelling passage that fits nicely inside Twitter’s character limit.
Wrap Up
In conclusion, I want to hear from you right now:
- Which method from today’s post would you employ first?
- Will you continue to write list posts? Or add remarks to other blogs?
Read more: Guest Blogging Tips For A New Blog That Builds Your Brand